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Brittany Jacques

at-home bartending

How to be a Vodka Snob

How to be a Vodka Snob from Red Lightning Books,
an imprint of Indiana University Press

Our Secret Love of Vodka

Hey there! “We” are Brittany Jacques, amateur mixologists writing about our secret shared passion: “little water,” under a nom de plume.

We’re super excited to go on this vodka journey with you.

So grab a cup, a Collins glass, or a shot of your favorite vodka (we love the lightness of Ciroq for summer) and let’s dive in.

Featured in…

Publisher's Weekly
Women Writers, Women's Books

Get in Touch

For PR & Media Inquiries, contact Brittany at

Brittany Jacques is represented by Cyle Young Literary Elite agency.

We look forward to hearing from you!


How to be a Vodka Snob book